A mysterious lone traveller journeys across space and time in search of the origin of the world, life, and God. In spite of the devastating discovery he makes, the world continues to spin.
Short film , Animation
CANADA | 5 minutes | 2016
A man explains his reasons for exile. Another walks in search of an image.
Short film , Documentary
FRANCE | 10 minutes | 2016
At dawn a group of peasants try to retrieve the body of a young man from inside a well. Women veil their faces in silence while men endure the situation. In the centre of it all, a mother awaits her son’s salvation.
Short film , Fiction
PORTUGAL | 18 minutes | 2016
A girl's surprise for her boyfriend turns into a night of uncertainty when neither dares to say what the other is thinking.
Short film
UNITED STATES | 21 minutes | 2016
Reda is 26 years old. His dreams of escaping the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain El-Helweh end in failure after three years stuck in Greece.
GREAT BRITAIN, Netherlands, Denmark, Lebanon | 30 minutes | 2016
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