Melancholy as a survival strategy in the American Mid-West: An adult woman (the conductor) on the edge of failing and a pack of teenage girls (the choir) simultaneously experience a supernatural version of...
Short film
UNITED STATES | 29 minutes | 2014
This short narrative chronicles an evening with a family on the verge of dissolve. A darkly humorous story about slow jams, bad magic and coming closer.
UNITED STATES | 23 minutes | 2011
When A young woman with remarkable and hilarious coping skills finds the dead body of a teenage girl in the woods she is forced to reconcile her greatest fear--her fantastically failing life. This is a dark...
UNITED STATES | 20 minutes | 2010
A professional sign language interpreter becomes very unprofessional as she suffers a sincere but hilarious emotional breakdown during a gathering for hearing impaired physics enthusiasts. This is a short...
UNITED STATES | 10 minutes | 2011
The Adventures Of White Trash Girl! The Devil Inside explores White Trash Girl's myth of creation, how she came to have super powers, what she does to put bread on the table, etc.
UNITED STATES | 8 minutes | 1995
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