
GERMANY | 15 minutes | 2015

Poetry or threat? An act of surrender or perhaps art? These were the theories that New York puzzled over last summer. How can one incident be interpreted in so many ways? By means of press reports, SYMBOLIC THREATS allows the public at large to express their extreme disparity of interpretation. Inspired by the heated debate over the two "White American Flags" that suddenly appeared on the towers of New York City’s iconic Brooklyn Bridge, the film asks what kind of societal scope art has in the present day. What happens when threatened freedom reinstates art with the element of danger? Who or what makes it into a threat? Are we safe in the city? What’s next?


Sunday October 9, 2016

Program #93
Cinémathèque - Salle Principale


Mischa Leinkauf

No biography

Matthias Wermke

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Lutz Henke

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